Thursday 8 May 2014

Hi Room 2! Here is a piece of writing that Sophie has wrote for her daily journal. We do daily journal each day before writing for 10 minutes. We do it to remember punctuation, spelling and so Mr Stephens can see our writing styles. Sophie also shared this piece at the first Marsden assembly. Here it is:

The mist lay low over the blanket of Autumn leaves. Winter was coming earlier than usual. The crisp air bit Sam’s fingers as she walked through Sutherland Park. The wind howled through the trees, singing its lonely song. Sam’s walk home was a gloomy one. Her footsteps echoed around the valley, breaking through the voice of the wind. She was thinking of the fire that was waiting for her.

The wooden house the 14 year old lived in was warm and cosy with plenty of space to share with her Mum. Though the house was ancient. It was old and creaky, an antique compared to modern homesteads.

Sam loved her Mother as much as children love chocolate. Her Mum’s sweet appearance was handed down to Sam. Green eyes, lots of freckles and flowing black hair was what Sam looked at in the mirror. As well as her looks, Sam’s personality was beautiful also. The way she laughed, smiled or especially sang filled the room with wonderous joy. But though Sam didn’t know it, her smile soon wouldn’t be seen for a long time.

Sam went to Rosemary High School, the towns only school for girls. Sam walked to school everyday, through Sutherland Park, up the main road, and just around the bend was where she reached her destination. The grounds of the school stretched for acres and acres. Rosemary High had good quality equipment though not much of it. But Sam liked her school with the few hundred girls.

Sam’s classroom was quite small with twenty girls to fill it up. Sitting next to Sam were her two best friends, Harmony and Sera. Their teacher was Miss Mana, she was kind but strict, very strict. 

Harmony and Sera were basically stuck to Sam. They did everything together, even going to the bathroom! Harmony was sweet. She had rosy red hair and cheeky brown eyes. Where as Sera was very tanned, her brown locks fell around her shoulders, her dark eyes twinkled in the sun. From the first day of school, the trio had stuck together.

One afternoon Sam had just got home from Harmony’s when she asked her mum. “Mother, I have been invited to the school disco this Friday, but I promised Sera I would stay at hers. What should I do!?” 
“I don’t know Sam. Do what you think you should do,” replied her mother.

The next day Sam told Sera about the disco. 
“Sam, we’ll just go to the disco then you’ll come back to mine. You’re such a worry wart,” Sera laughed.
“Oh, you’re right Sera,” Sam said relieved. 
That week in class Sam drifted off most days thinking about Friday. But when the day finally came it wasn’t as good as Sam thought it would be. On Friday afternoon Miss Mana called Sam back after school.

To be continued....... 

By Sophie Hampson   

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